Thursday, December 26, 2013

Serpico- Doing the Right Thing can be Difficult as well as Dangerous

Serpico- The 70's Classic-Cop corruption drama, if nothing else gives us a look at the amazing talent of Al Pacino. At his zenith, Pacino brings the tale of Frank Serpico to life so well that the movie feels like a documentary. Serpico finds himself surrounded by a NYC police culture rife with corruption. First he tries to avoid it, but corruption this deep needs full compliance from everyone. When he goes to his superiors he learns the deadly truth that they too are part of the scheme by, at the very least, turning a blind eye to it. He is left with going outside the police force. Serpico is more than just a corruption film. It is also about thinking outside the box as an undercover detective. Also this film brings to life the law enforcement side of the Italian family that at the time was steeped in mafia films such as the Godfather.

The movie is a true morality play that left me always looking to myself to answer the question, "What would I do?"  Would I have the courage to act as Serpico did.  Namely, to expose corruption in the face of intimidation that left him helpless in a dangerous world? This movie certainly expresses clearly that doing the right thing is often the most difficult thing in the world. It is an invaluable lesson that I want my children to know, because they may not be in a situation where their life is at stake, but there will certainly come a day when they will have to face a difficult choice and they must stick to their convictions knowing that they may lose a friend, expose themselves to ridicule, or be threatened.

Serpico in its expression of an extreme situation provides a beautiful example of doing the right thing. A powerful film.

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